Upcoming season for Women’s Chorus of Dallas

I just finished putting all the dates on my Google calendar for our upcoming season for The Women’s Chorus of Dallas. And I’m pooped now. We have so much going on this year! It’s the 20th anniversary of the chorus, so that of course means a lot of celebration. In…

What’s up with Oscar the Grouch these days?

You tell me – what’s wrong with this picture. I’ll give you a minute. Tick, tick, tick. Time’s up. Yep. Oscar has a huge smile on his face. What’s up with that? Has he changed his last name or something? Is he no longer grouchy? If you watch the show,…

Parking lot etiquette

Nothing like shopping during a busy holiday weekend to get me started on a rant. Seriously. One of my biggest, grandest, hugest pet peeves is about the way people drive in a parking lot. Way as in direction, that is. (Crazy parking lot drivers are another issue.) Why is it…

Am I the only person who can’t wear flip flops?

Every where I go, it seems like the footwear of choice is the flip flip (or thong, if you prefer). Every one has them on. Unfortunately, they seem to all be wearing the thick soled functional type or the public-shower kind. Why, when there are so many cute styles out…

Glasses have arrived and looking good!

Well, my new glasses have arrived from Zenni, and I’m quite pleased. The blue ones are a bit brighter in person than in the picture on Zenni’s website, but I still like them. Kind of hard to really tell in my picture, but the eye pieces and right at the…

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