Jury duty – just mark me as “unwanted”
Kevin had jury duty last month in the federal district court, and almost as soon as he was done, I got a notice in the mail to report in January for the state/county courts. And one the following week to report in February for the city courts. Oy. Now, I’m…
Keep a sharp eye out for those tricky adverbs
Literally. Possibly. Probably. Likely. Red flags for the critical thinker as they allow a speaker/writer to make an assertion designed to elicit an unwarranted response. You don’t strike fear in a heart by saying “There’s a 10% chance that would happen” but by saying “It possibly could happen.” People bypass the generic adverb…
Bookpile: June 2012
Stagecraft Fundamentals: A Guide and Reference for Theatrical Production – It’s a textbook, it seems. But one of the most untextbookily written textbooks I’ve ever read. Is it the topic area? As in, you get a lot more creative types in the theater department than the history department, so theater…
Somewhere on the back roads southwest of Dallas …
Guess crappy weather in the past few years was the final straw and they’ve just given up.