Bookpile: August 2011
Read This Before Our Next Meeting – My friend Al has a book! Go, Al! I actually was on the pre-release list (so the book was sent to me free in hopes of a review) and had it read by the day it came out. In reality, I had it…
Bookpile: July 2011
* St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves – Love, love, love that title, which is why I picked it for a challenge read this year. And … not what I expected. It’s short stories, which are fine, just generally unsatisfying because they offer such a brief glimpse. And…
Bookpile: June 2011
* The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America – I actually think I had checked this book out before and then never got to it. The cover looks really familiar. And people have just raved about it, but I have to…
Bookpile: May 2011
A McKettrick Christmas – This another one of those fluffy spinoffs from a romance series. But … it was actually pretty decent. The story was more thriller and character drama than romance, although there definitely was some of that. We’re back in the old west and a train is coming…
Bookpile: April 2011
Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts – This came from my mom, who I think was still reading and trying to comes to terms with my niece’s death. Read/skimmed this on my iPhone with the Kindle app. Just … well, there’s nothing I disagreed with in here, it’s just that…