Rome: Review

I liked Rome. Really. (But I like Florence better.) It’s loud, crazy, chaotic, unnerving if you’ve never been to a big city. It kind of reminded me of our first trip to New York years ago when you don’t know the city and everything works just a smidge differently than…

Italy: Transportation review

Combining everything here because our main mode of transportation in Florence was our feet. We varied more in Rome because it was bigger and the options easier to figure out. Best place I found for researching transportation options in Rome and navigating the train system to get to Florence was…

Paisley’s review of PlanetDog disc

So, our friend Anthony over at k9cuisine sent Paisley a new frisbee* recently. Chasing frisbees is her main source of exercise since she hates walks (weird dog) and she had finally broken her last one. This is a blue and orange disc from PlanetDog with the orange part a hard…

New glasses have arrived

Video post!! I really should do more of these. Showing off my new glasses from Zenni Optical, which arrived Monday. (That was one fast boat from China!) I got four pair, including a pair of sunglasses for the whopping price of $167 – about $50 less than what I paid…

The good & bad new from M&Ms

It’s no state secret that I love chocolate and peanut butter together. There is no greater combination in the world than chocolate and peanut butter. Two great tastes that taste great together, right? (Danged advertising.) And my usual favorite (when I am ignoring things like the fact that I shouldn’t…

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