Feeling fractured

Talk about trying to thin slice a market. And by market, I mean me. I’m fighting against shut-down mode at the moment, that mental state that happens when you have too many competing priorities and are uncertain where to start or what to do so you just do unimportant things….

Riding the roller coaster

“Your dog probably has cancer.” “Wait, we didn’t find any.” “But he still has anemia, which could mean cancer.” “We have to do something about the anemia or he won’t live long enough to figure out what’s wrong.” “It’s a bacterial infection causing the anemia.” “But it still could be…

Figuring out my frame on the world

One of the best things about my house are all the windows. Huge windows that let in lots of light and give you a great view of my yard and neighborhood. If you only looked out my front windows, though, you would think that I do a fabulous job of…

A fun brainstorm

Seth Godin keeps telling us that ideas are common. Don’t get caught up in the fact that you’re good at coming up with ideas. Which I am. This is hard for me to hear, because it’s such a part of who I am – the Idea Hamster. I am the…

Finding the play in work

When I was a kid, my playtime was all about imagination. I was creating a fort in the bushes with my brother or taking Barbie on amazing adventures with my neighbor. Time not out running around was spent with my friends Nancy Drew, Trixie Belden, Encyclopedia Brown, Ramona and Misty…

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