Liberals and conservatives actually want the same thing
Epiphany I had while watching last week’s Stossel and listening to Anne Coulter make absolutely no sense whatsoever – liberals and conservatives want the exact same thing. To run our lives. Liberals want to tell us how to think and talk (political correctness and hate speech laws) and take care…
Setting the bar too low is no way to reach higher
Heard a radio story about Hispanics and college last year that chapped my hide. Seems there’s some concern because there more starting school than ever before, but few are finishing. The story made reference to the need to get more of them to complete college because we won’t have enough…
Give me some action!!
Lots of reading, lots of talking, lots of informing going on. We learn about the bullying of government, the evils of companies, the idiocy of elected officials. But not about the most important part. Tell me what to _do_ about what we’re talking about. As I watch and read and…
Pledge of No
Love this idea. Wish I was seeing more about it than just this post. And I can’t tell if it’s really a Tea Party concept or if this guy came up with it on his own since this is the earliest reference to it I can find. But I like…
Charter government offices
My latest brilliant idea after standing in line for 2.5 hours at the DPS office to spend three minutes taking the motorcycle rider license test – charter government offices. I’m a genius. After all, we see over and over how charter schools change the game for education. They do well…