Are Wall Decals So Over?

The Shelterrific gang is looking for ideas of overdone decorating trends. They’re voting for wall decals, and I know I’ve seen them on their site often enough. And if you’re talking about ones like the trash can in that picture on the post, then yes. Why would you want something…

Yowser! I’ll just stay inside!

Well, I’ll probably just be staying inside anyway thanks to the viscous mosquitos we breed in our backyard. But, regardless, I need to replace our patio chairs. We have (had) those plastic adirondack chairs, which I think I bought at Lowe’s for $25 each ages ago. They’re really comfortable, easy…

*&#(*^( dishwasher!!!

Great. So we’re a few weeks away from having the kitchen torn up and replacing all the appliances anyway. And the dishwasher decides to break. That’s OK since we were going to replace it. But it means I have an extra couple of weeks now of handwashing dishes. We talked…

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