Hmmm. Would you clone your pet?
So, heard on the radio that a story was coming up about just how close pet cloning was. Which got me wondering about whether that’s a step you’d really want to take. Or should even. I loved my dog. He was one of the greatest joys in my life and…
Happy birthday, Plaid!!
My boy. He would have been 11 today. We had to let him go a couple of weeks ago. Lymphoma. He looks good in this picture though (outside of being annoyed about looking into the sun). I took it to go in a frame my mom bought to put all…
Riding the roller coaster
“Your dog probably has cancer.” “Wait, we didn’t find any.” “But he still has anemia, which could mean cancer.” “We have to do something about the anemia or he won’t live long enough to figure out what’s wrong.” “It’s a bacterial infection causing the anemia.” “But it still could be…
Owning a dog is hard work!
I had no idea before we got a dog just how much work it could be. No one told me you had to trim their toenails or brush their teeth or stuff pills down their throats. Seriously, did you realize giving a dog vitamins is a good idea? I had…