Wait, where are we again?

Every time I turn on the radio these days, it takes several minutes to figure out just where we are. When the story uses words like rebels and government forces and fighting and protests, it’s easy to get lost. Are we in Libya? Ivory Coast? Iraq? Wait, is this stuff…

Bookpile: March 2011

Twelfth Grade Kills – Last book in this series … I think. A good and dramatic finish to this series, although the ending seemed to leave openings for more books. The story came to a good conclusion, although there were so many twists through it that I was starting to…

New bike = new exercise program

Yea!! I have graduated to a “real” motorcycle now. While I loved riding my Blast, it really just wasn’t built for the kinds of travel we’ve ended up doing. Ten hour trips on that tiny seat are not a fun time. So, I’ve upgraded to more of a cruiser style…

Bookpile: February 2011

*The Age of Innocence – Left me feeling much the same way The Great Gatsby did – unsatisfied and annoyed. It started off so promisingly, fell into shallow and ridiculous characters and in the end, Newland was an unspeakable coward. I could cheer for him to break his engagement and…

Democracy != freedom

Watching all the coverage of the protests/riots/uprising in Egypt and elsewhere, I’m always struck by the idiotic things Americans say in response. (Not surprised, note. Just struck.) The latest thing is the man-on-the-street interviews about how “oh yes, we should help Egypt get democracy” and “democracy is the best thing…

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