Past success =! future success
We’ve all seen the fine print on investment materials – past results are not indicative of future success. Or something like that. I’m sure it’s more precise and lawyery than that. Much of what we do in the internet marketing world is lather-rinse-repeat. Once you find something that works, you…
Goals update and thinking ahead
Huh. Good thing I didn’t make posting on this blog a goal for the year. Sheesh. (I did set a schedule for myself over on my niche blog, but it’s a different ballgame when it’s work stuff. Just as bad a game, but different.) So let’s see how I did…
Understanding and defining success
I read recently a neat definition of success. (I believe this was in 48 Days, but recently wasn’t last week, so forgive me if I’m crediting it incorrectly.) Success is a progressive realization of worthwhile goals. Progressive – As in you don’t get there all at once. It takes time,…
Side effect of having a goal
Goals are helpful. We get things done when we have them. And the side effect? By having a “to-do”, we automatically have a million “not do”s. Goals provide focus. Instead of starting a new project every time I walk into my craft room, my goals last year helped me finish…
Knowing the why of the goal for 2012
So … goals for last year were met, unmet, changed, reconsidered, cursed – you name it. I did get all the books on my list read for the year. And am so happy to be back to our regularly random reading. I didn’t get all the quilts on my list…