What I should be working on …

Our next concert is Saturday. (I sing with The Women’s Chorus of Dallas.) We’ve got Lesley Gore in (of It’s My Party fame) and are rocking the 60’s music. I’ll be doing the lead on “Pony Time” during the second half in a medley of fad dance songs and am…

Balance is overrated

Who wants a balanced life? Not me. I don’t want an equal amount of good and bad. Sign me up for more joy and blessings, please, and don’t worry about evening it out with sorrow and woe. Why should I spend time on things I don’t enjoy just to get…

Non-killer forms kill me

Ugh. I hate forms. And a bad form is like a bad first date. It’s the ultimate in crappy customer service. Nothing like a badly composed form to make you feel a company doesn’t respect your time and wants to trip you up so they have a legitimate reason to…

So … what did you do for Christmas?

Me – Christmas day in Florence. Whee! Lewister Note: I’m an affiliate with a lot of places. Odds are any link on this blog that takes you somewhere to buy something, I’m going to get a small cut. To the tune of a pack of chewing gum most times. So…

Rome: Hotel Paba Review

There are only two bajillion options for places to stay in Rome. And that’s before you start looking at apartments for rent. Our priorities are the same no matter where we go – king-size bed, breakfast (preferably full), internet access, location. Which made for a few tough choices as apparently…

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