Bland name means bad brand

So Seth’s talking today about branding and avoiding bad brand names. I don’t disagree with him (Ok, I rarely do), but it’s one thing to know what makes a bad brand name and avoid it and another to come up with something good. How do I know this? I’ve been…

Hmmm … can a new mom run for office?

Well, my initial reaction when I heard the word that Sarah Palin had announced that she was seven-months pregnant was – well, there goes that potential VP. After reading a lot of the other reactions on the web, I have to admit, I’m chagrined that that was my reaction. After…

*&#(*^( dishwasher!!!

Great. So we’re a few weeks away from having the kitchen torn up and replacing all the appliances anyway. And the dishwasher decides to break. That’s OK since we were going to replace it. But it means I have an extra couple of weeks now of handwashing dishes. We talked…

Owning a dog is hard work!

I had no idea before we got a dog just how much work it could be. No one told me you had to trim their toenails or brush their teeth or stuff pills down their throats. Seriously, did you realize giving a dog vitamins is a good idea? I had…


Just noticed that I had set some goals for December. Which means I need to hold myself accountable for them, right? Let’s see … Four chapters of my book completed … NopeBryan’s quilt finished … NopeMoved back into my own bedroom… Nope (but there’s hope for this to happen in…

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