The power of an adjective

Saw a container of peanuts at Whole Foods as I was checking out with dinner tonight. Labeled as “Virginia” peanuts. Which seems to suddenly make them twice as expensive as regular old peanuts from such ordinary states like Georgia. The adjective doesn’t add any value in and of itself really….

Learning to let go

I have a problem. I tend to fall in love with ideas. Ideas that aren’t bad necessarily, but ones that may or may not pan out based on my goals. But I hate to let go of them. I don’t want to let go. They’re my ideas. I love them….

Things I don’t understand

(This might end up a regular series – cause there’s lots I don’t get about the world around me.) Why do people argue that God is a woman? There certainly were (are) gods that were (are) female, but the God of the Bible? Not so much. That particular god is…

Just venting

The Captain did a post recently about the dips lensmasters can hit. (The Dip is the latest book from marketing guru Seth Godin.) He provides some great insights into where and why these happen. I’m finding myself in a bit of a dip right now, although I’m in a different…

Uggh! What bad living gets you

Saw a number on the scale this morning that I never expected to see again. But that’s what happens when you eat a ton of stuff for several days that you shouldn’t. So now all my clothes are moving beyond tight and this is not good. Public proclamation of my…

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