I’m hiring a boss

So my six months with Seth Godin is wrapping up soon. Which means I’m looking for my next adventure. And rather than taking the passive, lame-ass way of finding a job, I’m hiring a boss. Pass it on. Post from The Life of Lewister

Little Miss Match store opens at Grand Central

Going to be sad to not see this every week after I go home. It’s just a happy place!! My favorite thing at the Little Miss Match store is the round that lets you select individual socks to create your own sets. Wish we could do that online too. (Hint,…

Spring in NY

Good things about spring in NY: It’s actually spring. We seem to skip that season in Dallas. Tulips everywhere!! My favs. You can open windows. Wow. No more layers, layers, layers. Cuddle Duds are now packed away. No humidity. Nice!! No mosquitos! Nice!! (Was concerned because of the river so…

Two tips for Ning

Can I share a secret with you? Something I wish had known a few months ago? There are a lot of Ning groups out there. I’ve landed in a few of them. And you can’t log in under more than one email at a time. Ugh. So I’m in Triiibes…

Photo vs. Avatar – the battle continues

I get a bit of grief occasionally from people (including Seth) because I don’t use a “real” picture in online profiles. Apparently being a cute cartoon isn’t good enough for some people. (Who’ve never met me. Maybe I am just a cute cartoon?) And I’m not the only one who…

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