Giving it away for free can pay off
From Shepard Fairey to Seth Godin, there are lots of examples of people who have given their works away for free in order to spread an idea. But here’s proof that it works if you just want to make more money. (Paying attention, music industry?) The boys of Monty Python,…
Secretary of the Arts? Oh stop them now, please!!
Seems there’s an online petition out there to try to get Obama to create a new cabinet position – Secretary of Arts. When I checked it out, there were more than 140K signatures on there, and given all the publicity the “issue” has gotten recently, I’d expect we’ll see a…
I don’t want a woman president!! (Or a black president, or an old white guy president …)
Driving around today, I had NPR on and a caller in to the Diane Rheem show was talking about her disappointment in the outcome of the Democratic race to date. Turned out she was a Hillary supporter and her comments were – “I really wanted a woman president. I wanted…
What does the choice of Biden do for Sarah Palin’s chances?
Thank you, Joe Biden!! Or maybe Obama. Either way, the selection of the Delaware senator as the Democratic VP has caused a firestorm of interest in Sarah Palin again and traffic to my Squidoo lens is going crazy now. (Which means it’s time for some updates!) Actually, the traffic is…
Think green, not pink, when talking to women
Not sure if it’s just the not being a girly-girl thing, but I find it just a little revolting that the first reaction for people wanting to market to women is to make everything pink. I’d rather have it in red, purple or lime green before I’d take pink. Andrea…