Defining the boundaries
I’m on the mailing list for Right to the Heart ministries, which occasionally has some useful thoughts and materials for me to ponder. I received an email from them today promoting various books to consider adding to one’s personal or ministry library. Looking through the list, I was struck by…
Is it a full-time job?
My church recently hosted a Lifeway Regional Training. (It was a lot of work to put on, but truly a rewarding experience in the end.) I didn’t get to spend much time in any of the sessions, but one thing I kept noticing was the assumption that women’s ministry leaders…
Inside the walls …
OK. I’m spending so much time inside my own walls, I’m not even keeping up with the idea of blogging. On my plate right now with our women’s ministry is our fall retreat, at which I will be speaking this year. We’re looking at how to make progress during times…
Going outside the walls
I’ve been pondering the idea of church outside the walls. Jesus didn’t say “Build a great building and plan great programming and they will come to you.” He said, “Go.” So how do we do that? How do we meet women where they are? And what do we do when…
Why I’m here
I am always on the hunt for more information about women’s ministry – the hows, the whats, the “why did I ever agree to do this?” kind of stuff. I’m not sure if it’s because women are less likely to communicate through impersonal means (i.e. the internet) but there is…