There is no magic fairy dust
I’ve been pondering expectations lately. Specifically just what mine were of this SAMBA program. I applied on a whim, for the fun of imagining the possibilities, never actually expecting to be here. In the whirlwind of the application process, interview, Christmas, family tragedy and moving, I’m not sure my thoughts…
More from the book stacks
Another month, another look at the books we’re reading as part of the SAMBA program. And some that I’m just reading because they’re there. (Seth gets almost a book a day in the mail from people hoping he’ll blurb or blog about them. So there’s plenty available for reading.) We…
A fun brainstorm
Seth Godin keeps telling us that ideas are common. Don’t get caught up in the fact that you’re good at coming up with ideas. Which I am. This is hard for me to hear, because it’s such a part of who I am – the Idea Hamster. I am the…
Not quite sure I’m ready for this!! Here’s my car getting covered this morning in the snow. Good thing I can walk to stuff in Hastings at least. Brrr!!! Post from The Life of Lewister