The Shelterrific gang is looking for ideas of overdone decorating trends. They’re voting for wall decals, and I know I’ve seen them on their site often enough. And if you’re talking about ones like the trash can in that picture on the post, then yes. Why would you want something like that? And if that’s the direction wall decals are starting to take then definitely yes.
However, there are still a lot of beautiful ones out there and, having had a painting business, they allow people who are artistically challenged (but have great taste) to indulge. I discovered Mira Entu Interior via StumbleUpon and think these are definitely worth keeping around. (Well maybe not the toilet tank ones or the invading mice that look like sperm.) I’ve got some huge blank walls in my new bedroom crying out for me to paint something, and this site inspires me to think beyond stripes.
That said, I’ve been so busy with picking out details related to the kitchen remodel that I haven’t picked up a decorating magazine in ages. So what do I know?