I want my mommy …
Came down to South Texas to spend a week in my swimsuit hanging with my mom, sister and a passel of kids. Worst vacation ever. I arrived Sunday afternoon and by that evening, I was asking my sister just what was up with my mom. Mom had helped me put…
No one is forcing you …
Couldn’t miss the hub-bub-bub back in May over Facebook Quit Day. (Huh, am I making it an “official” holiday by capitalizing it?) Which some genius scheduled for a major US holiday weekend resulting in most people ignoring it altogether. Read just over 30K people actually went through with it and…
Bookpile: June 2010
I swear, I think I missed a book from early in the month. Just feels like I have to had read one in there before I started writing up reviews. Can’t remember though. Sigh. My Sherlock Holmes: Untold Stories of the Great Detective – I made it about a third…