Landon Snow And the Auctor’s Riddle
Facts:Date finished: 8-31-08Author: R.K. MortensonCategory: Children’s fantasyPublished: 2005Pages: 223Rating: 2/5 Basic Plot:On the eve of his 11th birthday, Landon’s dream stone opens a new world to him, one with talking books, a riddle to solve and a chess board of potential death. Can Landon get out of this strange world…
A Swiftly Tilting Planet
Facts:Date finished: 7-28-08Author: Madeline L’EngleCategory: Children’s, fantasyPublished: 1978Pages: 278Rating: 4/5 Basic Plot: My assessment:I didn’t realize when I picked this up that it was part of a series that included A Wrinkle in Time. I remember (vaguely) reading/being read that book when I was a kid, but I don’t remember…
Muddle Earth
Facts:Date finished: 6-29-08Author: Paul Stewart & Chris RiddellCategory: Fantasy, Children’sPublished: 2003Pages: 450Rating: 4/5 Basic Plot:Joe Jefferson is just trying to escape the chaos of his house when he takes his dog, Henry, out for a walk. But a muttered spell by the greatest (and only) wizard in Muddle Earth takes…