
I mentioned last week about our spring brunch. With any event, there should be an afterward evaluation. Ours consisted of everyone just mentioning to me that “everything went really well,” which I’m realizing now probably doesn’t help that much. I received today from Right from the Heart the following, which is taken from A Christmas Angel Tea by Rebekah Montgomery.

Evaluate Your Event
Take time to evaluate immediately after your event – while the details are fresh. You may want to consider having a questionnaire for your committee members to fill out. Some general evaluative criteria include:
* Did the event fulfill its goal? Why or why not?
* What worked and what needed fine-tuning?
* What items were missing on the checklist?
* Was the event well attended?
* Was informal and formal feedback about the event positive?
* Given all that went into staging, was it worth doing?

One problem I can see for our event is that we just do it every year, but I’m not sure we have ever established any particular goals for it. Every year, I want it to run smoothly and be done in an excellent fashion and not bore people to death. But we need some “higher” goals than that and a way to measure whether we accomplish them. We also need to take a hard look at the final question because this is one of the more complicated events we do during the year. What are we getting for the amount of work we’re putting in?

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