Ragtime in Simla

Facts:Date finished: 5-30-05Author: Barbara CleverlyCategory: Mystery (historical)Published: 2003Pages: 287 Basic Plot:Joe Sandilands is on his way up to Simla for a well-deserved vacation. En route to the town, his new traveling companion is shot and killed in a similar fashion to an earlier death. Joe teams up with the local…

The Last Kashmiri Rose

Facts:Date finished: 5-7-05Author: Barbara CleverlyCategory: Mystery (professional)Published: 2002Pages: 287 Basic Plot:In 1910, a late-night fire takes the life of Dolly Prentice, wife of an English solider in a calvary unit called the Bengal Greys. By 1922, five such wives have died, all the month of March. The latest is a…

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